about Alethe

Alethe is a collective of intuitive practitioners, facilitators and therapists who are committed to bringing through the new paradigm of reclaiming our forgotten connection to the Great Mother. A-lethe is a word derived from the ancient Greek (α-λήθη) which translates as the absence of this state of forgetfulness. We envision a new world where people know who they are, they embody their connection to the Great Mother and they recognise their innate Divinity. Hence their creations are aligned with that knowing – they are rooted in love rather than fear.

Intimacy with oneself is a prerequisite before one can be intimate with another. In Alethe we cultivate the ground for true intimacy with oneself and with other (including everything in the natural world). This is our commitment and deep intimacy is the binding quality in all our offerings.

 Daphne Kourkounaki was born and grew up in Crete, Greece. At 18 years old she moved to England where she obtained a Masters’ degree in Electrical Engineering followed by a postgraduate Masters’ in Environmental and Energy Studies. Initially she worked as an engineer and later as a sustainability consultant.


She has dedicated the last ten years of her life to her soul awakening. She has received guidance from teachers and mentors who facilitated her journey of deep Self discovery and the reclaiming and sharing of her authentic essence.


She is a Healer using various modalities and she practices and teaches the ancient Tantric dance-meditation called Shiva Shakti. Her passion is to support people to live a deeply satisfying life.


Eledina Palasoglou was born and grew up in Thessaloniki, Greece. She is an artist working with many mediums. Since her childhood she had great aptitude for every different type of art and craft. 


She has studied graphic arts, fashion design, free hand drawing and mixed mediums. At 24 years old she moved to Crete and she fell in love with the beauty of the land. 


Her creativity began to flourish there and concurrently she started teaching art to adults and children. 


Her passion is to support and inspire people to discover their authentic creative expression and to enjoy the process.

Zuzanna Vee grew up in America, and headed to England at 19 where she stayed for 15 years. She studied and taught yoga, meditation, herbal healing, and had many world-wide adventures…


Zuzanna moved back to America in 1991. She created Goddess Astrology through transmission from her Inter-dimensional Team; she is a tarot reader and interspecies communicator; she paints her dreams, and speaks Star Language. She and her Team are currently developing new modes of healing and communicating through the body’s natural inner technologies interfacing with Gaia’s Network of Light.


Zuzanna’s purpose in life is to support women in excavating their beautiful, authentic, Wild Witch Woman selves, and to be unapologetically Real.

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